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No Rise and Reconnection – The Delicate Dance

Meghan Gloyd & Brett Long
Biohabitats, Inc
Baltimore, MD

Stream restoration projects seeking to maximize the potential for ecological uplift through floodplain reconnection often conflict with floodplain regulations that limit the rise of the regulated 100-year floodplain water surface elevations. This potential conflict is exacerbated when excavation of the floodplain is not feasible due to site constraints, such as utilities or mature forest. As modeling capabilities and design tools continue to advance faster than the update of floodplain regulations and regulated models, comparisons between the existing and proposed conditions can become less straight forward.  This presentation will focus on case studies that highlight the magnitude of challenges faced, the role of hydrology and hydraulic modeling in defining and addressing these challenges, and recommendations for navigating the conflict between the regulations and project goals when a balance cannot be achieved.

About Meghan Gloyd
Coming Soon

About Brett Long
rett Long, Water Resources Engineer with Biohabitats, has 18 years of experience in environmental engineering design and modeling with a focus on water resources restoration. He has worked with communities throughout the Mid-Atlantic on efforts to design and build green infrastructure and ecological restoration projects. Mr. Long has also has provided project and program management support for MS4 permit holders. Prior to joining Biohabitats, Mr. Long worked as an environmental engineer in Pennsylvania and provided water resources engineering and permitting services for restoration, roadway, park, and redevelopment projects.