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Recent Changes to the Fisheries Act have changed the Landscape for Mitigation Banking in Canada

Brad Fairley, MES
5 Smooth Stones Restoration Inc.
Kitchener, Ontario

In Canada, the legislation that drives the stream restoration business is the Fisheries Act. The Act was revised in 2019 and this has changed the landscape for stream restoration in Canada.  The presentation will explain the changes to the Act, including changes to permittee responsible mitigation, in-lieu fee programs and habitat banking and their effect on the stream restoration industry. With banking just getting started, the presentation will also outline some recent work on the value of fish habitat credits and the potential for private sector involvement in habitat banking.

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About Brad Fairley

Brad Fairley has more than 35 years of professional experience involving both the public and private sector. With a strong background in water resources management, including water quality and watershed planning, Brad has focused on stream restoration for the last 20 years of career. During that time, he has managed more than 100 fluvial geomorphology and stream restoration projects throughout North America. All these projects have been developed to improve streams, stream corridors and the habitat they provide.  Mr. Fairley has established several habitat banks and provides advice to numerous public and private agencies regarding the development of habitat banks. Mr. Fairley has authored many reports and presented technical and management papers related to stream restoration and habitat banking at conferences across North America. In addition, he has provided expert testimony in court.